Friday, June 19, 2009

Random thoughts from the lost lane

It has been a quiet couple of months here... No postcards from Nowhere. The adage goes that no news is good news. I wish that was the case in this instance. The last couple of months have been rather eventful, continuing the trend in my life. And a lot of thoughts, decisions, misgivings associated with the events present and past. A personal blog such as this can be like an exhibitionist's diary, yet I felt a certain reluctance to share those thoughts... that's a thought train in itself, the reluctance to share unhappy thoughts and the general apathy towards such thoughts, both by the person who is experiencing unhappiness and the person who becomes privy to such thoughts; but that is another topic for another day.

I sit with the pen poised in my hand,
to weave my thoughts into a strand.
Aimlessly, in my mind, they flit around,
frothy, poignant, inane and profound.
The page is blank, the thoughts fail to unfurl,
their beauty unseen, like that of a hidden pearl.