Thursday, November 25, 2010

What can I say?

Well, what can I say? I have failed to keep the promise I made to myself... yet again. It's not that I don't have anything to write about. For instance, back in August, I wanted to chronicle my travel experiences in Ladakh. And more recently, I wanted to write about my experiences and interactions with the suburban life in Mumbai.

But... yes, the "but" is the culprit! But, whenever I try to collect my thoughts, my mind just plays this dirty trick on me and one of these trains of thoughts take over - (Blank), (Black), (Kaboom!), (How do I exchange the peanuts I get for the almonds I want?), (Blank), (Blank), (Aaaaargggghhh!!), (Black), (Black), (Documents, Spreadsheets, PPTs or whatever I am working on at the moment), (Aaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhh!!), (Black), (Blank), (Black), (Kaboom!)... well, you get the gist...

So, no promises this time... I am making sincere efforts to clear up the clutter in my mind; maybe this is just a phase and it shall pass, there is still hope for me... or so I think... (Blank)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hello Again

Barney recently commented that it's been more than a year since I have written anything on the blog; a sad but true fact. Although he mentioned a rather interesting reason for me not being prolific, the reason that I had given Shruthi when she had said that I should write more often - that "I am a constant contemplator, and a chronic procrastinator which makes me a casual writer" still holds true.

So rather than rue the fact that I have not written enough in the last one year,I will go ahead and list some of the milestones from my life during that time, which may have kept me busy...

1) Spent endless hours of working (paapi pet ka sawaal hai)
2) Learnt a new language (bonne journée, mes chers amis!)
3) Did a fair amount of traveling - Since last July, I have been to Coorg, Waynad, Skandagiri, Srilanka, Mumbai, Elephanta Caves, the beaches of Maharashtra (Dive Agar, Sriwardhan, Harihareshwar), Pondichery, Singapore, Agumbe, Bhadra Reservoir and last but not the least, Ladakh! (Woot! My life is indeed a "picnic" :))
4) Saw a tiger in the wild (yes! yes! yes! :))
5) Trekked in Ladakh (deserves a repeat and special mention)
6) Spent quality time with my angels
7) Made up with some old friends
8) Made some new friends and hopefully lasting friendships
9) Had a ball catching up with friends
10) Played matchmaker with some unexpected results :-/
11) Did some portfolios in the sun and some in the dark :)
12) Got some new possessions :)
13) Learning to live again...

Hmmm, no wonder I have not been able to find time to write. :) But to make amends, am back with a promise to myself that I will write at least two posts a month.

So, until next week or the next blog post, whichever comes first, au revoir and keep smiling!